Monday, May 17, 2010

Experiment 2: Talk to your characters

Classic situation: I'm faced with the ultimate everyday villain who spouts off a ridiculous sentence that makes my blood boil.

6 hours later, I'm reliving the conversation and I think of the perfect comeback.

That's what's so great about writing. You can have these conversations in your head, mull over every comeback, nurture every syllable, and no matter when you finally deliver them, they're always right on time. So what if you're on both sides of the conversation and it's totally unfair? It works.

Thus, my next experiment was born. Talking to my characters. Interviewing them. Conversing.

I decided to start by interviewing one of my main characters, Grey. I didn't hold back. I asked him the tough questions, the ones the other characters would never dare ask. And he explained things the way he would. They weren't clean cut answers. They were raw, the way real people would answer. He's confused. He's torn. He's in agony.

So what did it accomplish? More than I guessed. His thoughts on the page are a road map. Knowing what he thinks will help me know how he will act. I can see that now. I even got a few great quotes I can use. I think I will do this again.

It's funny. I'm such a skeptic. I've only tried two experiments so far. And by some miracle, both of them have worked.


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